historical Jesus, the

historical Jesus, the

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "historical Jesus, the" в других словарях:

  • Quest of the Historical Jesus, The — The title of Albert Schweitzer [[➝ Schweitzer, Albert]] s work (ET1910 and 2000) which traced the course of investigation by (mostly) German scholars into the presentation of Jesus in the gospels. The starting point was in the late 18th cent. and …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Historical Jesus — The historical Jesus is Jesus of Nazareth as reconstructed by historians using historical methods. These historical methods use critical analysis of gospel texts as the primary source for the biography of Jesus, along with non biblical sources to …   Wikipedia

  • The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ — (full title: The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age ) is a New Age book by Levi H. Dowling first published in 1908. Dowling described it as having been transcribed from the akashic records.The Aquarian Gospel is… …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus the Man (book) — Jesus the Man: New Interpretations from the Dead Sea Scrolls is a 1993 book written by the Australian biblical scholar and theologian Barbara Thiering. Using something that the author calls the Pesher Technique, the author purports to have… …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus the Jew — Jesus the Jew: A historian s reading of the Gospels (1973) is a book by Geza Vermes, who was a Reader in Jewish Studies at the University of Oxford when it was written. It was originally published by Collins in London.Review citations and… …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus myth theory — The Resurrection of Christ by Noel Coypel (1700). Jesus myth theorists see this as one of a number of stories about dying and rising gods. Description The …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus Seminar — The Jesus Seminar is a group of about 150 individuals including scholars with advanced degrees in biblical studies, religious studies or related fields as well as published authors who are notable in the field of religion founded in 1985 by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Quest for the historical Jesus — This article is about the history of academic Jesus research. For the book The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede , see Albert Schweitzer. The quest for the historical Jesus is the attempt to… …   Wikipedia

  • JESUS — (d. 30 C.E.), whom Christianity sees as its founder and object of faith, was a Jew who lived toward the end of the Second Commonwealth period. The martyrdom of his brother James is narrated by Josephus (Ant. 20:200–3), but the passage in the same …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Oral tradition and the historical Jesus — Sermon on the Mount Jesus (like other rabbis) would have expounded and debated the Torah orally, though some may have made private notes (megillot setarim) The Oral Tradition, is the cultural material and traditions transmitted orally from one… …   Wikipedia

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