revitalization movements

revitalization movements

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "revitalization movements" в других словарях:

  • revitalization movement —  organized attempt to create a more satisfying culture, with the new culture often modeled after previous modes of living. Nativistic, revivalistic (revivalism), messianic (messiah), millenarian, and utopian (utopia) movements are all varieties… …   Universalium

  • Revitalization movement — In 1956, Anthony F. C. Wallace published a paper called Revitalization Movements to describe how cultures change themselves. A revitalization movement is a deliberate, organized, conscious effort by members of a group to create a new culture, and …   Wikipedia

  • Native American Spirituality Movements — The encounter of the Native American cultures with the European and African civilizations changed drastically their ways of life and thought. Many syncretic and revitalization movements emerged.The most noticed of those movements were the… …   Wikipedia

  • Native American spirituality movements — The encounter of the Native American cultures with the European and African civilizations changed drastically their ways of life and thought. Many syncretic and revitalization movements emerged. The most noticed of those movements were the… …   Wikipedia

  • Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act — The Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, Pub. L. 94 210, Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 31, was a United States federal law that funded the reorganized bankrupt Northeast and Midwest railroads that formed Conrail in 1975; it is best …   Wikipedia

  • MESSIANIC MOVEMENTS — Basic Elements The pattern on which Jewish messianic movements were based crystallized in the late Second Temple period and furnished Jews in following generations with certain basic elements. These, when confronted by certain typical challenges …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Language revitalization — is the attempt by interested parties, including individuals, cultural or community groups, governments, or political authorities, to recover the spoken use of a language that is endangered, moribund, or no longer spoken. Language death is the… …   Wikipedia

  • eschatology — eschatological /es keuh tl oj i keuhl, e skat l /, adj. eschatologically, adv. eschatologist, n. /es keuh tol euh jee/, n. Theol. 1. any system of doctrines concerning last, or final, matters, as death, the Judgment, the future state, etc. 2. the …   Universalium

  • Ghost Dance — Noted in historical accounts as the Ghost Dance of 1890, the Ghost Dance was a religious movement incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems. The traditional ritual used in the Ghost Dance, the circle dance, has been used by many… …   Wikipedia

  • Piscataway tribe — This article is about the historical Native American tribe. For one of the contemporary tribes, see Piscataway Indian Nation and Tayac Territory. Piscataway Total population Approximately 4,103 Piscataway Indian Nation: 103[1] Piscataway Conoy… …   Wikipedia

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