comparative study of religion

comparative study of religion

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "comparative study of religion" в других словарях:

  • religion, study of — Introduction       attempt to understand the various aspects of religion, especially through the use of other intellectual disciplines.       The history of mankind has shown the pervasive influences of religion, and thus the study of religion,… …   Universalium

  • comparative religions —    This term (from the Latin comparare, meaning to make equal with, and religio, meaning respect for the sacred ) refers to the academic study of world religions in order to ascertain their similarities and differences in bothdoctrines and… …   Glossary of theological terms

  • Religion — • The voluntary subjection of oneself to God Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Religion     Religion     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • COMPARATIVE RELIGION —    the study of comparative religion began with the Greek historian XENOPHANES in the sixth century B.C. when he observed that Thracians and Ethiopians both depicted their GODS after their own image. Although writers like SAINT AUGUSTINE made… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Comparative law — is the study of differences and similarities between the law of different countries. More specifically, it involves study of the different legal systems in existence in the world, including the common law, the civil law, socialist law, Islamic… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparative (disambiguation) — Contents 1 Language 2 Social sciences 3 Government and law 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Religion — This article is about a general set of beliefs about life, purpose, etc.. For other uses, see Religion (disambiguation). Religious redirects here. For a member of a Catholic religious order, see Religious (Catholicism) …   Wikipedia

  • religion, sociology of — The scientific study of religious institutions, beliefs, and practices had its origins in Marxism and the neo Hegelian critique of religion, but it is primarily associated with the late nineteenth century research into religious phenomena by… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Religion — La religion a été définie pour la première fois par Cicéron comme « le fait de s occuper d une nature supérieure que l on appelle divine et de lui rendre un culte »[1]. Dans les langues où le terme est issu du latin religio, la religion …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Religion in China — Three laughs at Tiger Brook , Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are one, a litang style painting portraying three men laughing by a river stream, 12th century, Song Dynasty …   Wikipedia

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