- pro-life movement
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
pro-life movement — /proʊ ˈlaɪf muvmənt/ (say proh luyf moohvmuhnt) noun a movement which supports restrictions on the availability of legal abortions and a ban on all laboratory experiments on human embryos …
Pro-life — is a term representing a variety of perspectives and activist movements in bioethics. It is most commonly (especially in the media and popular discourse) refers to opposition to abortion and support for fetal rights. The term describes the… … Wikipedia
Pro-life feminism — is the opposition to abortion, based on feminism. Those who take this viewpoint assert that abortion is not a necessary right, but has instead served to hurt women more than it has benefited them. Further, proponents state that abortion does not… … Wikipedia
Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians — (PLAGAL) is an interest group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Americans and their straight allies. PLAGAL supports the pro life position that life begins at conception and thus abortion is unjust lifetaking that should be prevented,… … Wikipedia
pro-life — /proʊ ˈlaɪf/ (say proh luyf) adjective of or relating to the pro life movement …
pro-life — adj. in favour of preserving life, esp. in opposing abortion. * * * pro lifer, n. /proh luyf /, adj. opposed to legalized abortion; right to life. Cf. pro choice. [1960 65] * * * pro lifeˈ adjective (denoting the lobby) opposing abortion,… … Useful english dictionary
pro-life — ADJ: usu ADJ n Someone who is pro life thinks that women do not have a right to choose whether or not to give birth to a child they have conceived, and that abortion is wrong in most or all circumstances. The pro life movement remains vigilant… … English dictionary
Pro-life (disambiguation) — Pro life can refer to:* Pro life, a social movement * Pro life ( Masters of Horror episode), an episode of Masters of Horror * ProLife Alliance, a UK political party * Pro Life, formerly Marvin Richardson, a candidate in the United States Senate… … Wikipedia
Pro-Life — Die Neutralität dieses Artikels oder Abschnitts ist umstritten. Eine Begründung steht auf der Diskussionsseite. Lebensrechtsbewegung ist die Sammelbezeichnung für Einzelpersonen, Gruppen und Initiativen, die sich weltweit für den Schutz des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pro-life — Die Neutralität dieses Artikels oder Abschnitts ist umstritten. Eine Begründung steht auf der Diskussionsseite. Lebensrechtsbewegung ist die Sammelbezeichnung für Einzelpersonen, Gruppen und Initiativen, die sich weltweit für den Schutz des… … Deutsch Wikipedia