cosmological argument for God

cosmological argument for God

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "cosmological argument for God" в других словарях:

  • Cosmological argument — The cosmological argument is an argument for the existence of a First Cause (or instead, an Uncaused cause) to the universe, and by extension is often used as an argument for the existence of an unconditioned or supreme being, usually then… …   Wikipedia

  • cosmological argument — Philos. an argument for the existence of God, asserting that the contingency of each entity, and of the universe composed wholly of such entities, demands the admission of an adequate external cause, which is God. Also called cosmological proof.… …   Universalium

  • cosmological argument — An influential argument (or family of arguments) for the existence of God. Its premises are that all natural things are dependent for their existence on something else; the totality of dependent beings must then itself depend upon a non dependent …   Philosophy dictionary

  • cosmological argument — Philos. an argument for the existence of God, asserting that the contingency of each entity, and of the universe composed wholly of such entities, demands the admission of an adequate external cause, which is God. Also called cosmological proof.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cosmological argument — noun A type of argument for the existence of God, advanced by a number of philosophers, including and , which maintains that, since every thing and event has a cause, there must be a first cause (God) which is itself uncaused and which causes… …   Wiktionary

  • cosmological argument —    This expression refers to a variety of arguments for the existence of God based on cosmology; in general, each argument examines a particular aspect of the existing world and shows that it implies the existence of God …   Glossary of theological terms

  • Kalam cosmological argument — The Kalām cosmological argument is a contemporary version of the cosmological argument taking its form from Kalām, a form of dialectical argument used in Islamic philosophy.Fact|date=February 2008. It attempts to prove the existence of God by… …   Wikipedia

  • GOD — IN THE BIBLE The Bible is not a single book, but a collection of volumes composed by different authors living in various countries over a period of more than a millennium. In these circumstances, divergencies of emphasis (cf. Kings with… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • God, arguments for the existence of —    Although the Qur’an provides no strict proofs for the existence of God, it repeatedly urges us to consider the origin, harmonious order and sustained existence of the world, and to draw the appropriate conclusion. In this manner, it lays the… …   Islamic philosophy dictionary

  • Argument from nonbelief — Part of a series on Atheism …   Wikipedia

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