- creation science
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Creation science — or scientific creationism is a movement within creationism which attempts to use scientific means to disprove the accepted scientific theories on the history of the Earth, cosmology and biological evolution and prove the Genesis account of… … Wikipedia
creation science — n. teaching and research based upon the belief that the biblical account of the creation of the world is scientific fact … English World dictionary
Creation Science — Creationism can also refer to creation myths, or to a concept about the origin of the soul. For the movement in Spanish literature, see Creacionismo. Part of a series on Creationism … Wikipedia
creation science — noun an effort to give scientific support for the truth of the account of Creation given in the Book of Genesis • Hypernyms: ↑creationism * * * creˈation science 7 [creation science] noun uncountable science that … Useful english dictionary
creation science — creation scientist. a form of creationism advocated as an alternative to the scientific theory of evolution, and holding that the creation of the universe and everything in it was supernatural and relatively recent. Cf. scientific creationism. *… … Universalium
Creation Science Movement — This article is about the British creationist organisation. For the movement called Creation Science or Scientific Creationism , see Creation Science. The Creation Science Movement (CSM, founded in 1932 as the Evolution Protest Movement) is a… … Wikipedia
Creation Science Association — The Creation Science Association (CSA) is creationist organizaton. The CSA believes that the Bible is the divinely inspired written word of God and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.External links* [http://www.csama.org … Wikipedia
creation science — /krieɪʃən ˈsaɪəns/ (say kreeayshuhn suyuhns) noun a view of science based on creationism and propounded by its exponents in opposition to the theory of evolution as a premise for scientific investigation and education. –creation scientist, noun …
creation science — noun A scientific and Biblical attempt by fundamentalist Christians to present the creation story found in Genesis as literal scientific truth … Wiktionary
creation science — crea′tion sci ence n. rel bio a form of creationism holding that the Bible s account of the creation of the universe is as scientifically valid as the theories proposed by scientists • Etymology: 1980–85 crea′tion sci entist, n … From formal English to slang
creation science — noun Date: 1979 creationism; also scientific evidence or arguments put forth in support of creationism … New Collegiate Dictionary