definition, dogmatic

definition, dogmatic

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "definition, dogmatic" в других словарях:

  • definition, dogmatic —    This term refers to a definitive declaration by a pope or by an ecumenical council that a particulardoctrine is a dogma that is, a doctrine that has been revealed by God and thus must be believed by the universal Church. (See CCC 891) …   Glossary of theological terms

  • Dogmatic theology — is that part of theology dealing with the theoretical truths of faith concerning God and his works, especially the official theology recognized by an organized Church body, such as the Roman Catholic Church, Dutch Reformed Church, etc. At times,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dogmatic Fact — • Any fact connected with a dogma and on which the application of the dogma to a particular case depends Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dogmatic Fact     Dogmatic Facts    …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Dogmatic Theology — • That part of theology which treats of the theoretical truths of faith concerning God and His works Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dogmatic Theology     Dogmatic Theology …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Dogmatic definition — In Catholicism, a dogmatic definition is an extraordinary[peacock term] infallible statement published by a pope or an ecumenical council concerning a matter of faith or morals, the belief in which the Catholic Church requires of all… …   Wikipedia

  • Dogmatic fact — The term dogmatic fact is employed in the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, in a wide sense, to mean any fact connected with a dogma, and on which the application of the dogma to a particular case depends. For example was a certain Church… …   Wikipedia

  • Definition (disambiguation) — Generally, a definition delimits or describes the meaning of a concept or term. Definition may also refer one of the following. Science, mathematics and computing In computer programming languages, a declaration that reserves memory for a… …   Wikipedia

  • Theological Definition —     Theological Definition     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Theological Definition     The Vatican Council (Sess. iv, cap. iv) solemnly taught the doctrine of papal infallibility in the following terms:      The Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Theological definition (Catholicism) — The precise scope of theological definition, in the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, is an aspect of the papal magisterium, and was clarified by the First Vatican Council. Dogmatic definition in its Catholic theological sense is an… …   Wikipedia

  • History of Dogmatic Theology —     History of Dogmatic Theology     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► History of Dogmatic Theology     The imposing edifice of Catholic theology has been reared not by individual nations and men, but rather by the combined efforts of all nations and the …   Catholic encyclopedia

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