

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "demythologize" в других словарях:

  • demythologize — v. t. to remove the mythical elements from; of writings, such as the Bible. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • demythologize — (Amer.) v. remove mythological characteristics, make less mysterious and more human (also demythologise) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • demythologize — [dē΄mi thäl′ə jīz΄] vt. demythologized, demythologizing Theol. to eliminate elements viewed as mythological from (the Bible, a belief, etc.) …   English World dictionary

  • demythologize — demythologization, n. demythologizer, n. /dee mi thol euh juyz /, v., demythologized, demythologizing. v.t. 1. to divest of mythological or legendary attributes or forms, as in order to permit clearer appraisal and understanding: to demythologize …   Universalium

  • demythologize — transitive verb Date: 1950 1. to divest of mythological forms in order to uncover the meaning underlying them < demythologize the Gospels > 2. to divest of mythical elements or associations • demythologization noun • demythologizer …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • demythologize — verb to remove the mythological elements of something in order to find the underlying meaning …   Wiktionary

  • demythologize — Synonyms and related words: account for, allegorize, clarify, clear up, crack, decipher, demonstrate, elucidate, enlighten, euhemerize, exemplify, explain, explain away, explicate, exposit, expound, give reason for, give the meaning, illuminate,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • demythologize — or demythologise verb reinterpret (a subject) so that it is free of mythical elements …   English new terms dictionary

  • demythologize — de·mythologize …   English syllables

  • demythologize — de•my•thol•o•gize [[t]ˌdi mɪˈθɒl əˌdʒaɪz[/t]] v. t. gized, giz•ing cvb to divest of mythological attributes, as to permit clearer understanding • Etymology: 1945–50 de my•thol o•gi•za′tion, n. de my•thol′o•giz er, n …   From formal English to slang

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