design, argument from

design, argument from

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "design, argument from" в других словарях:

  • design (argument from or to) — design, argument from or to …   Philosophy dictionary

  • design, argument from/to —    see argument from/to design …   Christian Philosophy

  • design, argument from or to — The argument that the world (meaning the entire universe) sufficiently resembles a machine or a work of art or architecture, for it to be reasonable for us to posit a designer whose intellect is responsible for its order and complexity. The… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • argument from (or to) design — design, argument from or to …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Argument from poor design — The dysteleological argument or argument from poor design is an argument against the existence of God, specifically against the existence of a creator God (in the sense of a God that directly created all species of life). It is based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Argument from nonbelief — Part of a series on Atheism …   Wikipedia

  • Argument from morality — The argument from morality is one of many arguments for the existence of God. It comes in different forms, all aiming to support the claim that God exists with observations about morality. Its counterpoint is generally the Problem of evil.… …   Wikipedia

  • Argument from beauty — The argument from beauty is an argument for the existence of God as against materialism.Outline logical structureIts logical structure is essentially as follows: # There are compelling reasons for considering beauty to exist in a way that… …   Wikipedia

  • argument from/to design —    The argument to or from design is one of the most popular arguments used by Christian philosophers to justify their belief in God or to persuade others of it. Although it dates back to Plato (and the pre Socratics) the first Christian use of… …   Christian Philosophy

  • argument from design — Philos. See teleological argument. * * * or teleological argument Argument for the existence of God. According to one version: The universe as a whole is like a machine; machines have intelligent designers; like effects have like causes;… …   Universalium

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