Donation of Constantine

Donation of Constantine

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Donation of Constantine" в других словарях:

  • Donation of Constantine — • By this name is understood, since the end of the Middle Ages, a forged document of Emperor Constantine the Great, by which large privileges and rich possessions were conferred on the pope and the Roman Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Donation of Constantine — This article is about the forged imperial decree. For the painting by students of Raphael inspired by the decree, see The Donation of Constantine (painting). A 13th C. fresco of Sylvester and Constantine, showing the purported Donation. Santi… …   Wikipedia

  • Donation of Constantine —    One of the most important and well known forgeries of the early Middles Ages, this document presented itself as issued by the fourth century emperor Constantine, conferring great power on the pope. The date of composition and the purpose of… …   Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

  • Donation of Constantine — Document concerning the supposed grant by the emperor Constantine I (the Great) to Pope Sylvester I (314–335) and later popes of temporal power over Rome and the Western Empire. The gift was said to have been motivated by Constantine s gratitude… …   Universalium

  • Donation of Constantine —    A document apparently forged by the papacy (q.v.) in the eighth century to bolster its claims of political and ecclesiastical supremacy. It states that after Constantine I (q.v.) was baptized by Pope (q.v.) Silvester I (314 335), Constantine… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • DONATION OF CONSTANTINE —    forged in the eighth or ninth centuries A.D. this document was supposedly written by the Roman Emperor CONSTANTINE to confirm the religious AUTHORITY of the POPE. It was exposed in the fifteenth century …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Donation of Constantine —    See Valla, Lorenzo …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • The Donation of Constantine (painting) — This article is about the painting by students of Raphael. For the forged documents that inspired the painting, see Donation of Constantine. The Donation of Constantine Artist Gianfrancesco Penni or Giulio Romano Year …   Wikipedia

  • The Donation of Constantine — Infobox Painting| image size=450px title=The Donation of Constantine artist=Gianfrancesco Penni or Giulio Romano year=1520 1524 type=Fresco height=? width=? city=Vatican City museum=Apostolic Palace The Donation of Constantine or Donation of Rome …   Wikipedia

  • Constantine the Great — This article is about Constantine as an Emperor. For Constantine as a Saint, see Constantine I and Christianity. Constantine I redirects here. For other uses, see Constantine I (disambiguation). Constantine I 57th Emperor of the Roman Empire …   Wikipedia

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