efficacious grace

efficacious grace

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "efficacious grace" в других словарях:

  • Grace (Christianity) — A series of articles on Grace in Christianity Actual grace a Catholic theological concept …   Wikipedia

  • Controversies on Grace —     Controversies on Grace     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Controversies on Grace     These are concerned chiefly with the relation between grace and free will. How can the all persuasiveness of grace, which imposes such a potent influence on the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Actual Grace — • A grace that is given for the performance of salutary acts and is present and disappears with the action itself Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Actual Grace     Actual Grace …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Irresistible grace — (or efficacious grace) is a doctrine in Christian theology particularly associated with Calvinism, which teaches that the saving grace of God is effectually applied to those whom He has determined to save (the elect) and, in God s timing,… …   Wikipedia

  • Sanctifying Grace — • Treatise on this fundamental building block of Christianity Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sanctifying Grace     Sanctifying Grace      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Common grace — A series of articles on Grace in Christianity Actual grace a Catholic theological concept …   Wikipedia

  • Molinism — • The name used to denote one of the systems which purpose to reconcile grace and free will Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Molinism     Molinism      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Congruism — • The term by which theologians denote a theory according to which the efficacy of efficacious grace is due, at least in part, to the fact that the grace is given in circumstances favourable to its operation, i. e. congruous in that sense… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo —     Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo     St. Augustine of Hippo (354 430) is a philosophical and theological genius of the first order, dominating, like a pyramid, antiquity and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Congregatio de Auxiliis — The Congregatio de Auxiliis (Latin Congregation on help (by Divine Grace) ) was a commission established by Pope Clement VIII to settle a theological controversy regarding divine grace that arose between the Dominicans and the Jesuits towards the …   Wikipedia

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