- empirical approach
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Empirical modelling — refers to any kind of (computer) modelling based on empirical observations rather than on mathematically describable relationsships of the system modelled. EMEmpirical Modelling (EM), spelt with capitals to denote a particular approach and to… … Wikipedia
Empirical legal studies — (ELS) is a relatively new approach to the study of law, legal procedure, and legal theory through the use of empirical research. Empirical legal researchers use research techniques that are typical of economics, psychology, and sociology; however … Wikipedia
Empirical Bayes method — In statistics, empirical Bayes methods are a class of methods which use empirical data to evaluate / approximate the conditional probability distributions that arise from Bayes theorem. These methods allow one to estimate quantities… … Wikipedia
Empirical measure — In probability theory, an empirical measure is a random measure arising from a particular realization of a (usually finite) sequence of random variables. The precise definition is found below. Empirical measures are relevant to mathematical… … Wikipedia
Empirical process — The study of empirical processes is a branch of mathematical statistics and a sub area of probability theory. It is a generalization of the central limit theorem for empirical measures. DefinitionIt is known that under certain conditions… … Wikipedia
Empirical orthogonal functions — In statistics and signal processing, the method of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is a decomposition of a signal or data set in terms of orthogonal basis functions which are determined from the data. It is the same as performing a… … Wikipedia
empirical VAR — A measure of a financial instrument s, a portfolio of financial instruments , or an entity s exposure to reductions in value resulting from changes in prevailing interest rates. Also known as simulation VAR, empirical VAR is one of several… … Financial and business terms
German income approach — The German income approach (German: Ertragswertverfahren, abbr. EWV) is the standard approach used in Germany for the valuing of property that produces a stream of future cash flows. For general information on German real estate appraisal please… … Wikipedia
World-systems approach — World system approach is a post Marxist view of world affairs, one of several historical and current applications of Marxism to international relations. One of the basics of the approach is its view of imperialism, which for many Marxists during… … Wikipedia
Capability Approach — Amartya Sen während einer Vorlesung an der Universität zu Köln 2007 anlässlich der Verleihung des Meister Eckhart Preises Der Capability Approach (Befähigungs Ansatz, Fähigkeiten Ansatz oder auch Verwirklichungschancen Ansatz) ist ein Konzept,… … Deutsch Wikipedia