eschatology, symbolic

eschatology, symbolic

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "eschatology, symbolic" в других словарях:

  • Eschatology (religious movement) — Eschatology is a system of beliefs created by American writer and practitioner William W. Walter. After Walter left the Christian Science church in 1912 he named his organization The Walter Method of Christian Science . The term Eschatology as a… …   Wikipedia

  • ESCHATOLOGY — In general, the term eschatology designates the doctrine concerning the last things. The word last can be understood either absolutely as referring to the ultimate destiny of mankind in general or of each individual man, or relatively as… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Eschatology — Last Things redirects here. For the C. P. Snow novel, see Strangers and Brothers. Part of a series on Eschatology …   Wikipedia

  • Eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses — The eschatology of Jehovah s Witnesses is central to their religious beliefs. They believe that Jesus Christ has been ruling in heaven as king since 1914 (a date they believe was prophesied in Scripture), and that after that time a period of… …   Wikipedia

  • eschatology — eschatological /es keuh tl oj i keuhl, e skat l /, adj. eschatologically, adv. eschatologist, n. /es keuh tol euh jee/, n. Theol. 1. any system of doctrines concerning last, or final, matters, as death, the Judgment, the future state, etc. 2. the …   Universalium

  • Christian eschatology — Part of a series on Christianity   …   Wikipedia

  • Seventh-day Adventist eschatology — Part of a series on Seventh day Adventism Background …   Wikipedia

  • Historicism (Christian eschatology) — In Christian eschatology, Historicism is a school of interpretation which treats the eschatological prophecies of Daniel and Revelation as finding literal earthly fulfillment through the history of the church age and especially in relation to the …   Wikipedia

  • Idealism (Christian eschatology) — Idealism (also called the Spiritual view ) in Christian eschatology is an interpretation of the Book of Revelation that sees all of the imagery of the book as non literal symbols which are perpetually and cyclically fulfilled in a spiritual sense …   Wikipedia

  • Эсхатология символическая —  ♦ (ENG eschatology, symbolic)    точка зрения Пауля Тиллиха (1886 1965) и Рейнхольда Нибура (1892 1971), согласно к рой эсхатологические эпизоды Нового Завета должны восприниматься со всей серьезностью, но в то же время интерпретироваться… …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

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