God, incomprehensibility of

God, incomprehensibility of

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "God, incomprehensibility of" в других словарях:

  • god — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A supernatural being] Syn. deity, male deity, divinity, divine being, superhuman being, spirit, numen, power, tutelary, Olympian, Valhallan, demigod, demiurge, oversoul, prime mover, godhead, omnipotence, world spirit, world …   English dictionary for students

  • God — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. 1. god Supreme Being, Father in Heaven, Heavenly Father, the Almighty, Kings, the Creator, Brahma, Allah, Adonai, Lord, Jehovah, Holy Spirit, the Man Upstairs. Love. The Bible. A superior reasoning power . . .… …   English dictionary for students

  • Attributes of God — Part of a series on Attributes of God in Christian theology Aseity Eternity …   Wikipedia

  • Gender of God — The gender of God can be viewed as either a literal or an allegorical aspect of a deity. In polytheistic religions, the gods are more likely to have literal sexual genders (and can often interact with each other in sexual ways). In monotheistic… …   Wikipedia

  • Бога непостижимость —  ♦ (ENG God, incomprehensibility of)    Божье величие, превосходящее все человеческие способности, в том числе способность полностью понимать Бога …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • The Blessed Trinity —     The Blessed Trinity     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Blessed Trinity     This article is divided as follows:          I. Dogma of the Trinity;     II. Proof of the Doctrine from Scripture;     III. Proof of the Doctrine from Tradition;… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Deism — For other uses, see Deism (disambiguation). Part of a series on God General c …   Wikipedia

  • Heaven — • In the Holy Bible the term heaven denotes, in the first place, the blue firmament, or the region of the clouds that pass along the sky. Gen., i, 20, speaks of the birds under the firmament of heaven . In other passages it denotes the region of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Descartes: metaphysics and the philosophy of mind — John Cottingham THE CARTESIAN PROJECT Descartes is rightly regarded as one of the inaugurators of the modern age, and there is no doubt that his thought profoundly altered the course of Western philosophy. In no area has this influence been more… …   History of philosophy

  • Presuppositional apologetics — is a school of Christian apologetics, a field of Christian theology that aims to (1) present a rational basis for the Christian faith, (2) defend the faith against objections, and (3) expose the perceived flaws of other worldviews. [Frame (1994) …   Wikipedia

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