hands, imposition of

hands, imposition of

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "hands, imposition of" в других словарях:

  • hands, imposition of — ▪ Judaism and Christianity also called  Laying On Of Hands,         ritual act in which a priest or other religious functionary places one or both hands palms down on the top of another person s head, usually while saying a prayer or blessing.… …   Universalium

  • hands, imposition of — A physical symbol of transfer of authority to a person who is thus commissioned or set apart (Gen. 48:18; Num. 27:18; Acts 8:19; 1 Tim. 4:14) …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Imposition of Hands — • A symbolical ceremony by which one intends to communicate to another some favour, quality or excellence (principally of a spiritual kind), or to depute another to some office Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Imposition of Hands      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Imposition — Im po*si tion, n. [F., fr. L. impositio the application of a name to a thing. See {Impone}.] 1. The act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like. From imposition of strict laws. Milton. [1913 Webster] Made… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • imposition — [im΄pə zish′ən] n. [OFr < L impositio, a laying upon, application] 1. an imposing or imposing on; specif., a) the forcing of oneself, one s presence or will, etc. on another or others without right or invitation; obtrusion b) a taking… …   English World dictionary

  • Imposition of Hands —    A technical term for the Laying on of Hands by the Bishop in Confirmation. Wheatley on the Prayer Book remarks: This is one of the most ancient ceremonies in the world. It has always been used to determine the blessing pronounced to those… …   American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • imposition — n 1. infliction, laying on, application, superposition, charging, burdening, loading, placement; levying, assessment, prescription, enactment. 2. charge, task, burden, duty; tax, load, onus, encumbrance; requirement, injunction, ultimatum; impost …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • imposition — /im peuh zish euhn/, n. 1. the laying on of something as a burden or obligation. 2. something imposed, as a burden or duty; an unusual or extraordinarily burdensome requirement or task. 3. the act of imposing by or as if by authority. 4. an… …   Universalium

  • imposition of hands —    This term (from the Latin in, meaning into, and ponere, meaning to place ) refers to the practice of laying hands on the candidates who are to receive the sacraments of Confirmation (see CCC 1288) and Holy Orders (seeCCC 1538, 1556, 1558,… …   Glossary of theological terms

  • Imposition of Hands — A manner of blessing used in the Old Testament (Gen. 48) and followed by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who used it in working miracles, and by the Church. The Apostles and the primitive Church employed after baptism for attaining the grace of… …   Dictionary of church terms

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