Heidelberg Catechism

Heidelberg Catechism

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Heidelberg Catechism" в других словарях:

  • Heidelberg Catechism — The Heidelberg Catechism is a Protestant confessional document taking the form of a series of questions and answers, for use in teaching Reformed Christian doctrine. It has been translated into many languages and is regarded as one of the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Heidelberg Catechism —    The 1563 Heidelberg Catechism is still the most popular catechism for use by the Reformed churches around the world. It was initiated by Frederick III, the elector of the Palatinate, who like all German princes held the right under the 1555… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Heidelberg Catechism — ▪ religion       Reformed confession of faith that is used by many of the Reformed churches. It was written in 1562 primarily by Caspar Olevianus, the superintendent of the Palatinate church, and Zacharias Ursinus, a professor of the theological… …   Universalium

  • Heidelberg Catechism —    A Protestant catechism formulated by a group of theologians, commissioned by Elector Palatine Freder ick III. It was published in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1563. Petrus Dathenustranslated this catechism into Dutch, and ever since, it has been… …   Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands

  • HEIDELBERG CATECHISM —    a CALVINIST confession of FAITH written in 1562 in Heidelberg …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Heidelberg (disambiguation) — Heidelberg as a place name: *Heidelberg, Germany *Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia *Heidelberg, Ontario (near Kitchener, Ontario), Canada*South Africa: **Heidelberg, Gauteng **Heidelberg, Western Cape*United States: **Heidelberg, Pennsylvania… …   Wikipedia

  • Catechism — A catechism (pronEng|ˈkætəkɪzəm; gr. κατηχισμός) is a summary or exposition of doctrine, traditionally used in Christian religious teaching from New Testament times to the present. [ [http://bible.crosswalk.com/Lexicons/Greek/grk.cgi?number=2727… …   Wikipedia

  • catechism — catechismal, adj. /kat i kiz euhm/, n. 1. Eccles. a. an elementary book containing a summary of the principles of the Christian religion, esp. as maintained by a particular church, in the form of questions and answers. b. the contents of such a… …   Universalium

  • Geneva Catechism — ▪ religion       doctrinal confession prepared by John Calvin (Calvin, John) to instruct children in Reformed theology. Recognizing that his first catechism (1537) was too difficult for children, Calvin rewrote it. He arranged the Geneva… …   Universalium

  • Westminster Shorter Catechism — The Westminster Shorter Catechism (also known simply as the Shorter Catechism, hereinafter referred to as the WSC) was written in the 1640s by English and Scottish divines. The assembly also produced the Westminster Confession of Faith and the… …   Wikipedia

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