- Anglican Communion
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Anglican Communion — n. the informal organization of the Church of England and derived churches with closely related beliefs and practices, including the Anglican Church of Canada, the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S., the Episcopal Church of Scotland, etc. *… … Universalium
Anglican Communion — n. the informal organization of the Church of England and derived churches with closely related beliefs and practices, including the Anglican Church of Canada, the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S., the Episcopal Church of Scotland, etc … English World dictionary
Anglican Communion — The Anglican Communion is an international association of national Anglican churches. There is no single Anglican Church with universal juridical authority as each national or regional church has full autonomy. As the name suggests, the Anglican… … Wikipedia
Anglican Communion — Die Anglikanische Kirchengemeinschaft oder Anglikanische Kommunion (englisch Anglican Communion; von lateinisch anglicanus, „englisch“), umgangssprachlich die Anglikanische Kirche, ist eine weltweite christliche Kirchengemeinschaft, die in ihrer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Anglican Communion and ecumenism — Anglican interest in ecumenical dialogue can be traced back to the time of the Reformation and dialogues with both Orthodox and Lutheran churches in the sixteenth century. In the nineteenth century, with the rise of the Oxford Movement, there… … Wikipedia
Anglican Communion — Anglican Com|mu|nion, the the group of churches around the world, mostly in English speaking countries, that are closely related to the practices and beliefs of the Church of England … Dictionary of contemporary English
Anglican Communion/Anglican Consultative Council — The worldwide Anglican Communion includes those national and regional churches that emerged from the international spread of the Church of England and today continue in a formal communion with that church and its primary official, the… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Anglican Communion Primates' Meeting — The Anglican Communion Primates Meetings are regular meetings of the Anglican Primates, i.e. the chief archbishops or bishops of each (often national) ecclesiastical province of the Anglican Communion. There are currently 38 Primates of the… … Wikipedia
Anglican Communion Network — Infobox Organization name = Anglican Communion Network image border = type = Traditionalist Episcopalian/Anglican (religious) group membership = 200,000 congregants, 2,200 clergy in 900 affiliated parishes location=United States and Canada… … Wikipedia
Anglican Communion Primates' Meeting — Das Anglican Communion Primates’ Meeting (dt.: Anglikanisches Primatentreffen) ist ein regelmäßig (alle zwei bis drei Jahren) stattfindender Zusammenkunft der anglikanischen Primates, d. h. von den obersten Erzbischöfen und Bischöfen einer jeden… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Anglican Communion Primates’ Meeting — Das Anglican Communion Primates’ Meeting (dt.: Treffen der Primates der Anglikanischen Gemeinschaft) ist eine alle zwei bis drei Jahre stattfindende Zusammenkunft der anglikanischen Primates, d.h. der obersten Erzbischöfe und Bischöfe einer jeden … Deutsch Wikipedia