

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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  • St. Hilary of Poitiers —     St. Hilary of Poitiers     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Hilary of Poitiers     Bishop, born in that city at the beginning of the fourth century; died there 1 November, according to the most accredited opinion, or according to the Roman… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Acacians — The Acacians, also known as the Homoeans, were an Arian sect which first emerged into distinctness as an ecclesiastical party some time before the convocation of the joint synods of Ariminum (Rimini) and Seleucia Isauria in 359. The sect owed its …   Wikipedia

  • Anomoeanism — In 4th century Christianity, the Anomœans, also known as Anomeans, Heterousians, Aetians, or Eunomians, were a sect of Arians who asserted that Jesus of Nazareth (the Son) was of a different nature and in no way like to that of God (the Father).… …   Wikipedia

  • Arian controversy — The Arian controversy describes several controversies which divided the Christian church from before the Council of Nicaea in 325 to after the Council of Constantinople in 383. The most important of these controversies concerned the relationship… …   Wikipedia

  • Anomoean — ▪ religious group       (from Greek anomoios, “unlike”), any member of a religious group of the 4th century that represented an extreme form of Arianism (q.v.), a Christian heresy that held that the essential difference between God and Christ was …   Universalium

  • Arianism — • Founded by Arius, belief asserting that Christ was not God like the Father, but a creature made in time. Rejected by the Council of Constantinople (381) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Arianism     Arianism …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Acacians —     The Acacians     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Acacians     Known also as the HOMOEANS, an Arian ( see Arianism ) sect which first emerged into distinctness as an ecclesiastical party some time before the convocation of the joint Synods of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Eunomius of Cyzicus — Eunomius (Εὐνόμιος) (died c.393), one of the leaders of the extreme or anomoeans, who are sometimes accordingly called Eunomians, was born at Dacora in Cappadocia early in the 4th century.He studied theology at Alexandria under Aetius, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Acacius of Caesarea — in Greek Ἀκάκιος Mονόφθαλμος (died 366) was a Christian bishop, the pupil and successor in the Palestinian see of Caesarea of Eusebius AD 340, whose life he wrote. (Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica , 2.4.) He is remembered chiefly for his bitter… …   Wikipedia

  • Semi-Arianism — is a name frequently given to the Trinitarian position of the conservative majority of the Eastern Christian Church in the 4th century, to distinguish it from strict Arianism. Such as by Epiphanius of Salamis[1] for the party of reaction headed… …   Wikipedia

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