- laity, ministry of the
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Laity — • The body of the faithful, outside of the ranks of the clergy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Laity Laity † … Catholic encyclopedia
The Church — The Church † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Church The term church (Anglo Saxon, cirice, circe; Modern German, Kirche; Sw., Kyrka) is the name employed in the Teutonic languages to render the Greek ekklesia (ecclesia), the term by which… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Sacrament of Penance — The Sacrament of Penance † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Sacrament of Penance Penance is a sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest s absolution to… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Seal of Confession — The Law of the Seal of Confession † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Law of the Seal of Confession In the Decretum of the Gratian who compiled the edicts of previous councils and the principles of Church law which he published about 1151,… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Kingdom of Bavaria — The Kingdom of Bavaria † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Kingdom of Bavaria I. POLITICAL CONSTITUTION, AREA, POPULATION The present Kingdom of Bavaria named after the German tribe called Boiarii has formed, since 1871, a constituent… … Catholic encyclopedia
Laity — In religious organizations, the laity comprises all people who are not in the clergy. A person who is a member of a religious order who is not ordained legitimate clergy is considered as a member of the laity, even though they are members of a… … Wikipedia
The Irish (in Countries Other Than Ireland) — The Irish (in countries other than Ireland) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Irish (in countries other than Ireland) I. IN THE UNITED STATES Who were the first Irish to land on the American continent and the time of their arrival are … Catholic encyclopedia
The Celtic Rite — The Celtic Rite † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Celtic Rite This subject will be treated under the following seven heads: I. History and Origin; II. Manuscript Sources; III. The Divine Office; IV. The Mass; V. the Baptismal Service; … Catholic encyclopedia
The Archbishops' Council — is part of the governance of the Church of England. By the National Institutions Measure 1998, the Council was set up in 1999 to streamline the Church s machinery of policy making and directing resources. Most of the central functions of the… … Wikipedia
Anglican ministry — The Anglican ministry is both the leadership and agency of Christian service in the Anglican Communion. Ministry commonly refers to the office of ordained clergy: the threefold order of bishops, priests and deacons. More accurately, Anglican… … Wikipedia