- lay baptism
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Lay baptism — Lay Lay, a. [F. lai, L. laicus, Gr. ? of or from the people, lay, from ?, ?, people. Cf. {Laic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother. [1913 Webster] 2. Not educated or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lay baptism — noun : baptism administered by a member of the laity usually under the stress of necessity (as because of the unavailability of a clergyman) * * * Eccles. baptism administered by a lay person. [1720 30] * * * lay baptism noun Baptism administered … Useful english dictionary
Lay Baptism — Baptism administered by a layman. The Church has always held that Baptism by any man in case of necessity is valid. But only great necessity, such as sudden danger or sickness and the inability to secure the services of a clergyman, should be… … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
lay baptism — Eccles. baptism administered by a lay person. [1720 30] * * * … Universalium
Lay — Lay, a. [F. lai, L. laicus, Gr. ? of or from the people, lay, from ?, ?, people. Cf. {Laic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother. [1913 Webster] 2. Not educated or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lay brother — Lay Lay, a. [F. lai, L. laicus, Gr. ? of or from the people, lay, from ?, ?, people. Cf. {Laic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother. [1913 Webster] 2. Not educated or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lay clerk — Lay Lay, a. [F. lai, L. laicus, Gr. ? of or from the people, lay, from ?, ?, people. Cf. {Laic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother. [1913 Webster] 2. Not educated or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lay days — Lay Lay, a. [F. lai, L. laicus, Gr. ? of or from the people, lay, from ?, ?, people. Cf. {Laic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother. [1913 Webster] 2. Not educated or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lay elder — Lay Lay, a. [F. lai, L. laicus, Gr. ? of or from the people, lay, from ?, ?, people. Cf. {Laic}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother. [1913 Webster] 2. Not educated or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Baptism — • One of the Seven Sacraments of the Christian Church; frequently called the first sacrament , the door of the sacraments , and the door of the Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Baptism Baptism … Catholic encyclopedia