liberal theology

liberal theology

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "liberal theology" в других словарях:

  • Liberal theology — NOTOC Liberal theologyThe practical philosophy stance, liberal theology most accurately refer to *Liberal Christianity, a movement originating in the 19th centuryor, using similar reasoning methods: *Liberal movements within IslamReligious… …   Wikipedia

  • liberal theology — The view that uncertainties in religion require a degree of latitude in belief rather than a dogmatic approach. In biblical studies it follows that historical evidence must be scientifically studied with rigorous scrutiny. The opposing view was… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Liberal religion — is a religious tradition which embraces the theological diversity of a congregation rather than respecting any single creed, authority, or writing. Because it may draw resources from many traditions, it cannot normally be characterized as… …   Wikipedia

  • Liberal Christianity — Part of a series on the History of Christian Theology …   Wikipedia

  • THEOLOGY — Introduction Defined by Richard Hooker, the Renaissance theologian, as the science of things divine, theology (from the Greek word theos, God, and logos, word, doctrine ) is a sustained, rational discourse on god , His nature, His relationship to …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Theology of the Body — is the topic of a series of 129 lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences in the Pope Paul VI Hall between September 1979 and November 1984. It was the first major teaching of his pontificate. The complete addresses were… …   Wikipedia

  • Liberal theism — is the philosophical and religious belief in the existence of a deity without adhering to an established religion. The exact definition can be debated. Liberal theists often hold to the belief that all religions lead to the truth. Liberal theists …   Wikipedia

  • post-liberal theology —  Постлиберальная теология / Постлиберализм …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • liberal arts — (seven liberal arts)    The seven liberal arts were the basis of a general secular education throughout medieval western Europe. Based on a system dating back to classical times, the liberal arts were made up of the trivium essentially what… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Theology of Pope Benedict XVI — The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI, due to the short pontificate so far, consists mainly of two encyclical letters on love (2005) and hope (2007), apostolic documents and various speeches and interviews. As Pope, Benedict XVI has wider… …   Wikipedia

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