mystery religions

mystery religions

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "mystery religions" в других словарях:

  • MYSTERY RELIGIONS —    a GROUP of RELIGIONS which flourished in the Greaco Roman world which involved the secret initiation of the believer. Often BAPTISM, sometimes in the blood of cattle, was involved as well as BELIEFS about IMMORTALITY and the survival of the… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • mystery religions —    This term (from the Greek mystērion, meaning a secret rite or secret doctrine ) encompasses a wide variety of religions in the ancient world that in general claimed to initiate their disciples into the mysteries of the divine; such ritually… …   Glossary of theological terms

  • Mystery cult — Mystery Religions, Sacred Mysteries or simply Mysteries , were religious cults of the Graeco Roman world, full admission to which was restricted to those who had gone through certain secret initiation rites. [citation|chapter=Mystery… …   Wikipedia

  • Mystery Babylon — is a series of shortwave radio broadcasts made by former naval intelligence officer and author Milton William Cooper, which originally aired on his show, The Hour of the Time , on WWCR in 1993 1994. The title refers to mystery religions, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • mystery religion — Any of various secret cults of the Greco Roman world. Derived from primitive tribal ceremonies, mystery religions reached their peak of popularity in Greece in the first three centuries AD. Their members met secretly to share meals and take part… …   Universalium

  • mystery — In common English usage, something not understood, an enigma; but in the Bible, something hitherto secret in the mind of God but now disclosed. In Dan. (as also in the Qumran scrolls) the secret is God s plan for a coming new age when the wicked… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Religions of the ancient Near East — Myths of the Fertile Crescent series …   Wikipedia

  • Mystery airship — Mystery airships or phantom airships are a class of unidentified flying objects best known from a series of newspaper reports originating in the western United States and spreading east during 1896 and 1897.[1] According to researcher Jerome… …   Wikipedia

  • mystery — mystery1 /mis teuh ree, tree/, n., pl. mysteries. 1. anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown: the mysteries of nature. 2. any affair, thing, or person that presents features or qualities so obscure as to arouse curiosity or …   Universalium

  • Religions of the Ancient Near East — The Religions of the Ancient Near East were mostly polytheistic, with some early examples of emerging Henotheism (Atenism, early Judaism). Especially the Luwian pantheon exerted a strong influence on the Ancient Greek religion, while Assyro… …   Wikipedia

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