- natural contingency
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Contingency theory — is a class of behavioral theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the optimal course of action is contingent (dependent) upon the internal and external situation.… … Wikipedia
Contingency management — For use in management theory, see Contingency theory. Contingency management is a type of treatment used in the mental health or substance abuse fields. Patients are rewarded (or, less often, punished) for their behavior; generally, adherence to… … Wikipedia
Contingency table — In statistics, a contingency table (also referred to as cross tabulation or cross tab) is a type of table in a matrix format that displays the (multivariate) frequency distribution of the variables. It is often used to record and analyze the… … Wikipedia
Natural experiment — A natural experiment is an observational study in which the assignment of treatments to subjects has been haphazard: That is, the assignment of treatments has been made by nature , but not by experimenters. Thus, a natural experiment is not a… … Wikipedia
Contingency planning — The Energy Commission s strategy to respond to impending energy emergencies such as curtailment or shortage of fuel or power because of natural disasters or the result of human or political causes, or a clear threat to public health, safety or… … Energy terms
contingency — An emergency involving military forces caused by natural disasters, terrorists, subversives, or by required military operations. Due to the uncertainty of the situation, contingencies require plans, rapid response, and special procedures to… … Military dictionary
natural event — noun an event that happens • Syn: ↑happening, ↑occurrence, ↑occurrent • Derivationally related forms: ↑occurrent (for: ↑occurrence), ↑happen ( … Useful english dictionary
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan — The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, more commonly called the National Contingency Plan or NCP, is the United States federal government s blueprint for responding to oil spills and hazardous substance releases. It … Wikipedia
Fiedler contingency model — The Fiedler contingency model is a leadership theory of industrial and organizational psychology developed by Fred Fiedler (born 1922), one of the leading scientists who helped his field move from the research of traits and personal… … Wikipedia
Cost contingency — When estimating the cost for a project, product or other item or investment, there is always uncertainty as to the precise content of all items in the estimate, how work will be performed, what work conditions will be like when the project is… … Wikipedia