oral transmission

oral transmission

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "oral transmission" в других словарях:

  • Oral transmission (synoptic problem) — Oral Transmission is a different approach to understanding the Synoptic Gospels in New Testament scholarship. Current theories attempt to link the three synoptic gospels together through a common textual tradition. However, many problems arise… …   Wikipedia

  • Transmission (medicine) — In medicine and biology, transmission is the passing of a communicable disease from an infected host individual or group to a conspecific individual or group, regardless of whether the other individual was previously infected.[1] Sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Oral sex — An artistic portrayal of an act performed on a woman, furtively while a formal party is in progress Oral sex is sexual acti …   Wikipedia

  • Oral tradition and the historical Jesus — Sermon on the Mount Jesus (like other rabbis) would have expounded and debated the Torah orally, though some may have made private notes (megillot setarim) The Oral Tradition, is the cultural material and traditions transmitted orally from one… …   Wikipedia

  • oral tradition — Material passed on from generation to generation by word of mouth. There was a long process of gestation before books of the OT reached their final written form. In ancient Israel pieces of poetry, stories of heroes, legends about founding… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • oral — oral, ale, aux [ ɔral, o ] adj. • 1610; du lat. os, oris « bouche » 1 ♦ (Opposé à écrit) Qui se fait, se transmet par la parole. Langue orale et langue écrite. Cours d expression orale. Confession, déposition orale. ⇒ verbal. Littérature,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Oral literature — corresponds in the sphere of the spoken (oral) word to literature as literature operates in the domain of the written word. It thus forms a generally more fundamental component of culture, but operates in many ways as one might expect literature… …   Wikipedia

  • Oral Tradition Journal — Oral Tradition is an academic journal founded in 1986 by John Miles Foley and seeks to provide a comparative and interdisciplinary focus for studies in oral tradition and related fields by publishing research and scholarship on the creation,… …   Wikipedia

  • Oral tradition — A Kyrgyz manaschi See also: Oral tradition and the historical Jesus Oral tradition and oral lore is cultural material and traditions transmitted orally from one generation to another.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Oral law — An oral law is a code of conduct in use in a given culture, religion or community application, by which a body of rules of human behaviour is transmitted by oral tradition and effectively respected, or the single rule that is orally transmitted.… …   Wikipedia

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