
 (греч. perichoresis - проникновение; лат. circumincessio - сонеотделимость)
   термин, применяющийся в тринитарной теологии для указания на сокровенное единство, взаимное пребывание, или взаимопроникновение трех Лиц Троицы друг в друга. Термин употребляется также по отношению к двум природам Христа.

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Perichoresis" в других словарях:

  • Perichoresis — (or Circuminsession or Interpenetration) is a term in Christian theology first found within the Church Fathers but now reinvigorated among contemporary figures such as C. Baxter Kruger, Jurgen Moltmann, Miroslav Volf and John Zizioulas, amongst… …   Wikipedia

  • perichoresis — noun The doctrine of the Trinity. The word is derived from the Greek “peri choresis” which translates as, “peri” meaning around, “choresis” meaning to dance (the same root as choreography). The relationship between the Persons of the Trinity was… …   Wiktionary

  • perichoresis — peri·cho·re·sis …   English syllables

  • perichoresis — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Perichorese — (gr. perichoresis, lat. circumincessio) ist die vollständige gegenseitige Durchdringung, die zu einer Einheit ohne Verschmelzung führt. Der Begriff ist abgeleitet von dem Verb perichorein, was wörtlich herumgehen, durchwandern, durchdringen sowie …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Trinity — This article is about the Christian Trinity. For other uses, see Trinity (disambiguation). Holy Trinity redirects here. For other uses, see Holy Trinity (disambiguation). Part of a series on Attributes of G …   Wikipedia

  • Social trinity — is an interpretation of the Christian doctrine of the trinity. Its central idea is that the trinity consists of three persons whose unity consists of a loving relationship. Karen Kilby, [… …   Wikipedia

  • The Blessed Trinity —     The Blessed Trinity     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Blessed Trinity     This article is divided as follows:          I. Dogma of the Trinity;     II. Proof of the Doctrine from Scripture;     III. Proof of the Doctrine from Tradition;… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Jürgen Moltmann — (born April 8, 1926) is a German Protestant theologian. Moltmann s Youth Moltmann was born in Hamburg, Germany. He described his German upbringing as thoroughly secular. His grandfather was a grand master of the Freemasons. At sixteen, Moltmann… …   Wikipedia

  • Trinitarian Universalism — The highest heaven from Gustave Doré s illustrations to the Divine Comedy …   Wikipedia

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