progressive revelation

progressive revelation

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "progressive revelation" в других словарях:

  • Progressive revelation — is a core teaching in the Bahá í Faith that suggests that religious truth is revealed by God progressively and cyclically over time through a series of divine Messengers, and that the teachings are tailored to suit the needs of the time and place …   Wikipedia

  • Progressive revelation (Christian) — Progressive revelation in Christianity is the concept that the sections of the Bible that were written later contain a fuller revelation of God compared to the earlier sections. For instance, the theologian Charles Hodge wrote, The progressive… …   Wikipedia

  • RÉVÉLATION — La révélation a été comprise de façon classique comme la communication d’une vérité par un auteur inspiré de Dieu, dont le message a été confirmé par des signes. Elle a été ainsi interprétée dans la catégorie de la parole et du discours. La… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • REVELATION — REVELATION, an act whereby the hidden, unknown God shows Himself to man. To be sure, this phenomenon belongs to the realm of human reality, but it is experienced by man as coming from God. Phenomenologically, every religion finds its starting… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Progressive — is an adjectival form of progress and may refer to:Politics* Progressivism, a political movement/ideology with origins in early 20th century America * Progressive Era, period of reform in the United States lasting from the 1890s through the 1920s …   Wikipedia

  • Progressive Judaism — is an umbrella term used by strands of Judaism which affiliate to the World Union for Progressive Judaism. They embrace pluralism, modernity, equality and social justice as core values and believe that such values are consistent with a committed… …   Wikipedia

  • Revelation — This article is about the general concept of supernatural revelation. For the Biblical book, see Book of Revelation. For other uses, see Revelation (disambiguation). Revealing redirects here. For the James Blood Ulmer album, see Revealing (album) …   Wikipedia

  • Progressive dispensationalism — In Christian theology, progressive dispensationalism is a variation of traditional (or revised) dispensationalism. Together, progressive and traditional dispensationalism are referred to as mainstream dispensationalism. The term progressive is… …   Wikipedia

  • revelation — revelational, adj. /rev euh lay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure. 2. something revealed or disclosed, esp. a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized. 3. Theol. a. God s disclosure of Himself and His… …   Universalium

  • Revelation continue — Révélation continue La révélation continue est le concept théologique selon lequel Dieu révèlerait de manière continue à l humanité des principes et commandements divins. Au sein du christianisme, ce concept est essentiellement associé à l Église …   Wikipédia en Français

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