- Protestant scholasticism
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Protestant Orthodoxy — ▪ religion also called Protestant Scholasticism phase of orthodoxy that characterized both Lutheran (Lutheranism) and Reformed theology after the 16th century Reformation. Protestant Orthodoxy understood Christianity as a system of… … Universalium
Protestant Reformation — The Protestant Reformation was a reform movement in Europe that began in 1517, though its roots lie further back in time. It began with Martin Luther and may be considered to have ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.cite book |first=Edith… … Wikipedia
scholasticism — /skeuh las teuh siz euhm/, n. 1. (sometimes cap.) the system of theological and philosophical teaching predominant in the Middle Ages, based chiefly upon the authority of the church fathers and of Aristotle and his commentators. 2. narrow… … Universalium
Scholasticism — Term used as a generic label for the various forms of philosophy and theology developed in western European univer sities from the late 11th or early 12th century. All of these scholas tic systems of thought were broadly Aristotelian. They… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
scholasticism — The theology of the schools , scholasticism developed with the rise of medieval universities (c. twelfth century) and is typified by its rigorous argumentation centred in the disputation, a form of argument that would set out the alternative… … Christian Philosophy
scholasticism, Protestant — Схоластика протестантская … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Suárez (and later scholasticism) — Jorge Gracia THE SILVER AGE OF SCHOLASTICISM The golden age of scholasticism covered a period of roughly one hundred years, from around 1250 to 1350. There were important scholastic developments before 1250 and after 1350, but it is generally… … History of philosophy
Second scholasticism — is a term applied to the revival of the scholastic system of philosophy in the 16th century. It arose partly as a reaction to the Protestant reformation which emphasised a return to the language of the Bible, and the Fathers of the Church. Second … Wikipedia
Christian philosophy — Part of a series on Christianity … Wikipedia
Protestantism — /prot euh steuhn tiz euhm/, n. 1. the religion of Protestants. 2. the Protestant churches collectively. 3. adherence to Protestant principles. [1640 50; PROTESTANT + ISM] * * * One of the three major branches of Christianity, originating in the… … Universalium