radical theology

radical theology

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "radical theology" в других словарях:

  • Radical Orthodoxy — is a postmodern Christian theological movement founded by John Milbank that takes its name from the title of a collection of essays published by Routledge in 1999: Radical Orthodoxy, A New Theology , edited by John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock… …   Wikipedia

  • Radical Orthodoxy — ist eine christlich theologische Bewegung, der Theologen aus verschiedenen Konfessionen zugerechnet werden. Sie wurde von John Milbank gegründet. Ihr Anfangspunkt ist in seinem Buch Theology and Social Theory (1990) zu sehen. Der Name der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Radical feminism — Part of a series on Feminism …   Wikipedia

  • Theology of Pope Benedict XVI — The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI, due to the short pontificate so far, consists mainly of two encyclical letters on love (2005) and hope (2007), apostolic documents and various speeches and interviews. As Pope, Benedict XVI has wider… …   Wikipedia

  • Radical center (politics) — The terms radical center or radical middle describe a third way philosophy as well as an associated political movement. Followers of this philosophy claim to improve understanding by simultaneously affirming both sides, whether that be… …   Wikipedia

  • theology —    Since the Second Vatican Council (1962–5), theology in Spain has evolved from the highly traditional and conservative to the pluralistic. The majority of interventions by the Spanish bishops in the Council debates showed up the poverty of… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • Theology of Anabaptism — Anabaptists ( re baptizers , from Greek ανα and βαπτιζω ) are Christians of the Radical Reformation.OverviewThe leading elements of Anabaptist theology are:;Believer s Baptism: Baptism is to be administered to believers only.;Symbolism of Holy… …   Wikipedia

  • Radical Reformation — The Radical Reformation was a 16th century response to what was believed to be both the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church and the expanding Magisterial Protestant movement led by Martin Luther and many others. Beginning in Switzerland, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Liberation Theology —    A radical theology that arose in the Latin American Catholic Church during the 1960s. Unlike the traditional church in the region, which had aligned itself for centuries with the military and the wealthy elites, practitioners of liberation… …   Historical Dictionary of the “Dirty Wars”

  • History of Christian theology — This is an overview of the history of Christian theology from the time of Christ to the present.Key themesThe TrinityIn Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity states that God is one being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a mutual… …   Wikipedia

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