Reformation Day

Reformation Day

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Reformation Day" в других словарях:

  • Reformation Day — is a religious holiday celebrated on October 31 in remembrance of the Reformation, particularly by Lutheran and some Reformed church communities. It is a civic holiday in Slovenia (since the Reformation contributed to its cultural development… …   Wikipedia

  • Reformation Day — ▪ religious holiday       anniversary of the day Martin Luther is said to have posted his Ninety five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Ger. (Oct. 31, 1517), later identified by Protestants as the beginning of the Reformation …   Universalium

  • REFORMATION — Like most revolutions the Reformation within the Christian Church in 16th century Europe combined ultraconservative trends with a drive for change. In his attitude toward the Jews, martin luther moved from a conscious attempt at a form of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Day-year principle — The day year principle, year day principle or year for a day principle is a method of interpretation of Bible prophecy in which the word day in apocalyptic prophecy is symbolic for a year of actual time. It is used principally by the historicist… …   Wikipedia

  • Reformation in Denmark — The Reformation in Denmark meant the transition from Roman Catholicism to Protestant Lutheranism in the Church of Denmark which was implemented in 1536 at the decision of King Christian III. The Protestant Reformation in Europe did not happen… …   Wikipedia

  • Reformation (The Wire episode) — Infobox The Wire episode caption = episode name = Reformation episode no = 35 epigraph = Call it a crisis of leadership. Proposition Joe teleplay = Ed Burns story = David Simon and Ed Burns writer = director = Ed Bianchi guest star = see below… …   Wikipedia

  • reformation — reformational, adj. /ref euhr may sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of reforming; state of being reformed. 2. (cap.) the religious movement in the 16th century that had for its object the reform of the Roman Catholic Church, and that led to the… …   Universalium

  • Day of Affirmation speech — The Day of Affirmation speech was a speech given by Robert F. Kennedy to National Union of South African Students members at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, on June 6, 1966. Kennedy, who was then a U.S. Senator from New York, gave the… …   Wikipedia

  • REFORMATION —    the great event in the history of Europe in the 16th century, characterised as a revolt of light against darkness, on the acceptance or the rejection of which has since depended the destiny for good or evil of the several States composing it,… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Protestant Reformation — The Protestant Reformation was a reform movement in Europe that began in 1517, though its roots lie further back in time. It began with Martin Luther and may be considered to have ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.cite book |first=Edith… …   Wikipedia

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