- religious orders
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Religious Orders — Monasteries and convents were established early. In 1228, the Franciscans arrived and occupied a site at the current Bourse. The Brothers of Our Lady (or Carmelites) appeared about 1249. The Boghards and Alexiens followed. The Riches Claires… … Historical Dictionary of Brussels
Religious Orders — In the American Church there are many religious orders composed of men or women who have separated themselves from the world that they may devote themselves by associated effort more unreservedly to the Church s work. Some are bands of Priests … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
religious orders — This term refers to a religious community whose members profess solemn vows. Sometimes the members are involved in ministries at a convent or monastery, and sometimes the members are involved in other ministries, such as teaching in schools,… … Glossary of theological terms
Religious Orders — Congregations who live together in a community bound by vows … Who’s Who in Christianity
List of religious orders in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York — The Archdiocese of New York is home to a large number of religious orders and congregations. While there are not as many today in 2007 as there were in 1957, they still make up a large population of the archdiocese. In 1959, there were 7,913 nuns … Wikipedia
Enclosed religious orders — An enclosed nun. Enclosed religious orders of the Christian church have solemn vows with a strict separation from the affairs of the external world. The term cloistered is synonymous with enclosed. The enclosure is regulated by Catholic church… … Wikipedia
Definitors (in Religious Orders) — • Generally speaking, the governing council of an order Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Definitors (in Religious Orders) Definitors (in Religious Orders) … Catholic encyclopedia
SSPX-affiliated religious orders — are factions of religious orders associated with the Lefebvrist Society of Saint Pius X as autonomous entities. The following is a non comprehensive list: *Benedictines of Bellaigue, France *Benedictines of the Monastery of the Holy Cross, Brazil … Wikipedia
Religious Life — • Overview and evangelical ideas on what makes up religious life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Religious Life Religious Life … Catholic encyclopedia
Religious Profession — • Describes both a declaration openly made, and a state of life publicly embraced Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Religious Profession Religious Profession … Catholic encyclopedia