revelation, general

revelation, general

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "revelation, general" в других словарях:

  • revelation, general —    General revelation is the revelation of God that comes to all people at all times, for example, through the created order or the voice of conscience.    See revelation; revelation, special    Further reading: Berkouwer 1955; Helm 1982 …   Christian Philosophy

  • Revelation — This article is about the general concept of supernatural revelation. For the Biblical book, see Book of Revelation. For other uses, see Revelation (disambiguation). Revealing redirects here. For the James Blood Ulmer album, see Revealing (album) …   Wikipedia

  • revelation, special —    Special revelation is the revelation of God that comes to specific people at specific times. Christians believe that Christ is God s supreme self revelation, but also that God has spoken to his people at various times in the past (and perhaps… …   Christian Philosophy

  • General revelation — is a theological term which refers to a universal aspect of God, of God s knowledge and of spiritual matters, discovered through natural means, such as observation of nature (the physical universe), philosophy and reasoning, human conscience or… …   Wikipedia

  • RÉVÉLATION — La révélation a été comprise de façon classique comme la communication d’une vérité par un auteur inspiré de Dieu, dont le message a été confirmé par des signes. Elle a été ainsi interprétée dans la catégorie de la parole et du discours. La… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • REVELATION — REVELATION, an act whereby the hidden, unknown God shows Himself to man. To be sure, this phenomenon belongs to the realm of human reality, but it is experienced by man as coming from God. Phenomenologically, every religion finds its starting… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • revelation — revelation, vision, apocalypse, prophecy are comparable when they mean disclosure or something disclosed by or as if by divine or preternatural means. Revelation is often specifically applied to the religious ideas transmitted by writers of books …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • General Judgment (Last Judgment) —     General Judgment     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► General Judgment     (Judicium Universale, Last Judgment).     I. EXISTENCE OF THE GENERAL JUDGMENT     1. Few truths are more often or more clearly proclaimed in Scripture than that of the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • revelation — (n.) c.1300, disclosure of information to man by a divine or supernatural agency, from O.Fr. revelacion, from L. revelationem (nom. revelatio), from revelatus, pp. of revelare (see REVEAL (Cf. reveal)). General meaning disclosure of facts is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • General Resurrection —     General Resurrection     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► General Resurrection     Resurrection is the rising again from the dead, the resumption of life. The Fourth Lateran Council teaches that all men, whether elect or reprobate, will rise again… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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