

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "sacramentals" в других словарях:

  • Sacramentals — • In instituting the sacraments Christ did not determine the matter and form down to the slightest detail, leaving this task to the Church, which should determine what rites were suitable in the administration of the sacraments. These rites are… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Sacramentals — A Roman Catholic sacramental: Fivefold Scapular with Scapular of the Passion showing a tiny crucifix attached Sacramentals are material objects, things or actions (sacramentalia) set apart or blessed by the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox… …   Wikipedia

  • sacramentals — sac·ra·men·tal || ‚sækrÉ™ mentl n. object or ceremony instituted by the church and performed as a means of attaining grace (Roman Catholicism) adj. sacred, holy; pertaining to a sacrament …   English contemporary dictionary

  • auto sacramental, autos sacramentales ou autos sacramentals (mots espagnols signifiant représentation du Saint-Sacrement) ou auto — ● auto sacramental, autos sacramentales ou autos sacramentals (mots espagnols signifiant représentation du Saint Sacrement) ou auto nom masculin Pièce édifiante jouée autrefois en Espagne le jour de la Fête Dieu sur des tréteaux ambulants dressés …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Scapular — For the shoulder bone, see Scapula. The devotional scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel or Brown Scapular. The term scapular (from Latin scapulae, shoulders ) as used today refers to two specific, yet related, Christian Sacramentals, namely the… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman Ritual — The Roman Ritual (Latin: Rituale Romanum ) is one of the official ritual works of the Roman Catholic rite. It contains all of the services which may be performed by a priest, which are not contained within either the Missale Romanum or the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Rite of Constantinople (Byzantine Rite) —     The Rite of Constantinople     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Rite of Constantinople     (Also BYZANTINE RITE.)     The Liturgies, Divine Office, forms for the administration of sacraments and for various blessings, sacramentals, and exorcisms …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ex opere operato — is a Latin phrase meaning from the work done referring to the efficacy of the Sacraments deriving from the action of the Sacrament as opposed to the merits or holiness of the priest or minister. According to the teaching of the Catholic Church,… …   Wikipedia

  • Benedicaria — Benedicaria, which means Craft or Way of Blessing , is a relatively new term for a number of loosely related family based folk traditions found throughout Italy, most notably in southern Italy and Sicily. Though referred to by some as Folk Magic… …   Wikipedia

  • Crucifix — For other uses, see Crucifix (disambiguation). The Crucifix, a cross with the corpus (Body of Christ), is an ancient symbol used within the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches, in contrast with some Protestant groups,… …   Wikipedia

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