Savoy Declaration

Savoy Declaration

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Savoy Declaration" в других словарях:

  • Savoy Declaration —    The Savoy Declaration was the doctrinal confession of those British Puritans who followed a congregational church polity.    On September 29, 1658, toward the end of the Commonwealth (when Puritans governed England), prominent Puritans who… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Savoy Declaration — The Savoy Declaration is a modification of the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646). Its full title is A Declaration of the Faith and Order owned and practiced in the Congregational Churches in England. It was drawn up in October 1658 by… …   Wikipedia

  • Savoy Declaration — ▪ English Protestant history       statement of faith prepared in 1658 by a conference of English Congregationalists who met at Savoy Palace, London. The declaration consisted of three parts: a preface, a confession of faith, and a platform of… …   Universalium

  • Savoy (disambiguation) — Savoy may refer to:Cities and regions * Savoy, the region of western Europe ** Duchy of Savoy, that ruled there in the Middle Ages ** The House of Savoy, dynasty of nobles who traditionally had their domain there * Savoy, a part of Sliema in… …   Wikipedia

  • Savoy Palace — Coordinates: 51°30′38″N 0°7′13″W / 51.51056°N 0.12028°W / 51.51056; 0.12028 …   Wikipedia

  • SAVOY (CONFÉRENCE DU) — SAVOY CONFÉRENCE DU (1661) Réunion qui se tint du 15 avril au 24 juillet 1661, dans un immeuble du Strand, à Londres et où, accompagnés de leurs assistants respectifs, douze évêques de l’Église d’Angleterre rencontrèrent douze pasteurs… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Princess Marie Louise of Savoy — Marie Louise de Savoie Princess of Lamballe Marie Louise by Joseph Duplessis …   Wikipedia

  • 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith — The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith was written by Calvinistic Baptists in England to give a formal expression of the Reformed and Protestant Christian faith with an obvious Baptist perspective. This confession, like The Westminster Confession… …   Wikipedia

  • congregationalism — congregationalist, n., adj. /kong gri gay sheuh nl iz euhm/, n. 1. a form of Protestant church government in which each local religious society is independent and self governing. 2. (cap.) the system of government and doctrine of Congregational… …   Universalium

  • Congregationalism — • The successful establishment of the New England colonies was an event of the utmost importance in the development of Congregationalism, a term preferred by the American Puritans to Independency and gradually adopted by their coreligionists in… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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