Sens, Council of

Sens, Council of

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Sens, Council of" в других словарях:

  • Sens — • Archdiocese comprising the Department of the Yonne Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sens     Sens     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Council of Constance —     Council of Constance     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Council of Constance     A (partly) ecumenical council held at Constance, now in the Grand Duchy of Baden, from 5 Nov., 1414, to 22 April, 1418. Its forty five general sessions were devoted… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Sens — is a town and commune of France, in the Yonne département , of which it is a sous préfecture , in the Bourgogne région . It is crossed by the Yonne and the Vanne, which empties into the Yonne here.HistoryCaesar mentions Agedincum in the territory …   Wikipedia

  • Council of Vienne (1311-12) —     Council of Vienne (1311 12)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Council of Vienne (1311 12)     Pope Clement V, by the Bull Regnans in coelis of 12 Aug., 1308, called a general council to meet on 1 Oct., 1310, at Vienne in France for the purpose of …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Council of Bourges — The Council of Bourges was a Catholic council convened in November 1225[1] in Bourges, France; it was the second largest church assembly held in the West up to that time, exceeded in the numbers of prelates that attended only by the Fourth… …   Wikipedia

  • Sens — ▪ France       town, Yonne département, Burgundy région, central France, southeast of Paris. The Old Town, situated on the right (eastern) bank of the Yonne River, is surrounded by shady boulevards and promenades built on the site of the old… …   Universalium

  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sens — The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sens is a Latin Rite Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic church in France. The Archdiocese comprises the department of Yonne, in the region of Bourgogne. Established in the first century AD as the Diocese of… …   Wikipedia

  • Councils of Sens —     Councils of Sens     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Councils of Sens     A number of councils were held at Sens. The first, about 600 or 601, in conformity with the instructions of St. Gregory the Great, especially advised warfare against simony.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Konzil von Sens — Das sogenannte Konzil von Sens wurde am Oktavtag von Pfingsten 1141, am 25. Mai, von Erzbischof Heinrich dem Eber von Sens einberufen, um auf Betreiben Bernhards von Clairvaux die der Häresie verdächtigen Lehrsätze und Bücher Peter Abaelards zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • National Security Council — Conseil de sécurité nationale (États Unis) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Conseil de sécurité nationale. Le conseil de sécurité nationale (National Security Council ou NSC) est une organisation administrative dépendant directement du président …   Wikipédia en Français

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