theological determinism

theological determinism

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "theological determinism" в других словарях:

  • Theological determinism — is the religious view that all events in the world were pre ordained by God. The most prominent theologian espousing this view was John also*Determinism *Calvinism *Jansenism *Predestination *Free will *Theological fatalismExternal… …   Wikipedia

  • theological determinism — noun see determinism …   Useful english dictionary

  • Theological fatalism — is the view that all our actions are pre determined because of God s forknowledge of them, and that therefore we have no free willStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, [ will foreknowledge/ Foreknowledge and… …   Wikipedia

  • Determinism — This article is about the general notion of determinism in philosophy. For other uses, see Determinism (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Fatalism, Predeterminism, or Predictability. Certainty series …   Wikipedia

  • Determinism (disambiguation) — The term determinism has many meanings in different fields. Contents 1 Philosophy 2 Computer science 3 Sociology and anthropology 4 Biology …   Wikipedia

  • Enlightenment I (The French): science, materialism and determinism — The French Enlightenment I: science, materialism and determinism Peter Jimack The French Enlightenment is not just a convenient label devised by historians of philosophy, and the thinkers to be discussed in this chapter and the next were for the… …   History of philosophy

  • Free will — This article is about the philosophical questions of free will. For other uses, see Free will (disambiguation). A domino s movement is determined completely by laws of physics. Incompatibilists say that this is a threat to free will, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Fatalism — Certainty series Agnosticism Belief Certainty Doubt Determinism Epistemology Estimation Fallibilism …   Wikipedia

  • Methodism — Methodist redirects here. For hospitals by this name, see Methodist Hospital (disambiguation). For other uses, see Methodism (disambiguation). Part of a series on Methodism John Wesley …   Wikipedia

  • Theodicy — (IPAEng|θiːˈɒdɪsi) (adjectival form theodicean) is a specific branch of theology and philosophy that attempts to reconcile the existence of evil or suffering in the world with the belief in an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent God, i.e …   Wikipedia

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