two-source hypothesis

two-source hypothesis

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "two-source hypothesis" в других словарях:

  • Two-source hypothesis — The Two Source hypothesis proposes that the authors of Matthew and Luke drew on the Gospel of Mark and a hypothetical collection of sayings of Jesus known as Q . The Two Source Hypothesis (or 2SH) is an explanation for the synoptic problem, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-streams hypothesis — The two streams hypothesis is a widely accepted, but still controversial, account of visual processing. As visual information exits the occipital lobe, it follows two main channels, or streams . The ventral stream (also known as the what pathway… …   Wikipedia

  • Q source — The Gospels of Matthew and Luke were written independently, each using Mark and a second document called Q as a source. Q is conceived as the common material found in Matthew and Luke but not in Mark. The Q source (also Q document or Q) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Augustinian hypothesis — The Augustinian hypothesis suggests that the Gospel of Matthew was written first. The Gospel of Mark was written using Matthew as a source. Then the Gospel of Luke was written using both Mark and Matthew. The Augustinian hypothesis is a solution… …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus myth hypothesis — Jesus myth links here. For a comparison between Jesus Christ and pagan mythology see Jesus Christ and comparative mythology. The Jesus myth hypothesis, also referred to as the Jesus myth theory , the Christ myth or the Jesus myth is an argument… …   Wikipedia

  • Jerusalem school hypothesis — The term Jerusalem School Hypothesis is not a scientific name, but a popular name, given to the Jerusalem School methodology, as well a designation related to one of many possible solutions to the synoptic problem developed by the late Robert… …   Wikipedia

  • Four Document Hypothesis (Synoptic problem) — A Four Document Hypothesis is an explanation for the relationship between the three Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It posits that there were at least four sources to the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke: the Gospel of Mark, and three …   Wikipedia

  • Griesbach hypothesis — The Griesbach hypothesis is an early 19th century solution to the synoptic problem. It gives priority to the Gospel of Matthew, portrays the gospel of Luke as based on it, and the gospel of Mark as based on both. This hypothesis was proposed as… …   Wikipedia

  • Farrer hypothesis — The Farrer theory (also called the Farrer Goulder hypothesis) is a possible solution to the synoptic problem. The theory is that the Gospel of Mark was written first, followed by the Gospel of Matthew and then by the Gospel of Luke. It has mainly …   Wikipedia

  • Two-factor theory of emotion — Schachter Singer (1962) The two factor theory of emotion, or Schachter Singer theory, states that emotion is a function of both cognitive factors and physiological arousal. According to the theory, people search the immediate environment for… …   Wikipedia

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