Westphalia, Peace of

Westphalia, Peace of

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Westphalia, Peace of" в других словарях:

  • Westphalia, Peace of — (1648) European settlements that ended the Thirty Years War, negotiated in the Westphalian towns of Münster and Osnabrück. The deliberations began in 1644 and ended in 1648 with two assemblies that produced the treaty between Spain and the Dutch… …   Universalium

  • Peace of Westphalia — Treaties of Osnabrück and Münster Ratification of the Peace of Münster (Gerard ter Borch, Münster, 1648) Type Peace treaty …   Wikipedia

  • peace — peaceless, adj. peacelessness, n. peacelike, adj. /pees/, n., interj., v., peaced, peacing. n. 1. the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world. 2. (often cap.) an agreement or treaty between warring or antagonistic …   Universalium

  • Westphalia — • Province of Prussia Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Westphalia     Westphalia     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Westphalia (disambiguation) — Westphalia can refer to any of the following places worldwide:Places Named Westphalia;Germany *Westphalia, a region in Germany, known as Westfalen in German **Kingdom of Westphalia **Province of Westphalia **North Rhine Westphalia;United States… …   Wikipedia

  • Westphalia — [west fā′lē ə, westfāl′yə] region in NW Germany, a part of the state of North Rhine Westphalia: formerly a duchy, a kingdom, and a province of Prussia (1816 1945); chief city, Münster: site, along with Osnabrück, of treaties (Peace of Westphalia) …   English World dictionary

  • Westphalia — [ Green : Kingdom of Westphalia (1807 1813) Red : Province of Westphalia (1815 1946) Dark grey : North Rhine Westphalia (1946 )] Westphalia ( de. Westfalen IPA| [vɛstˈfaːlən] ) is a region in Germany, centred on the cities of Bielefeld, Bochum,… …   Wikipedia

  • Westphalia — Westphalian, adj., n. /west fay lee euh, fayl yeuh/, n. a former province in NW Germany, now a part of North Rhine Westphalia: treaty ending the Thirty Years War 1648. German, Westfalen. * * * Former province of Prussia, now part of Germany. It… …   Universalium

  • Peace of Augsburg — The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty between Ferdinand I, who replaced his brother Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor, and the forces of the Schmalkaldic League, an alliance of Lutheran princes, on September 25, 1555, at the city of Augsburg in… …   Wikipedia

  • Peace treaty — A peace treaty is an agreement between two hostile parties, usually countries or governments, that formally ends an armed conflict. It is different from an armistice, which is an agreement to cease hostilities, or a surrender, in which an army… …   Wikipedia

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