- Zionism Christian
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". Мак-Ким Дональд К.. 2004.
Christian Zionism in the United Kingdom — is a Christian ideology that sees the return of the Jews to the Holy Land as a fulfilment of scriptural prophecy. Supporters of Christian Zionism believe that the existence of the Jewish State can and should be supported on theological grounds.… … Wikipedia
Zionism — is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine (Hebrew: Eretz Yisra el, “the Land of Israel”), and continues primarily as support for the modern state of… … Wikipedia
Christian Action for Israel — is a Christian Zionist group based in Geneva[1] with the stated aim to counter anti semitism and anti Israel misinformation, expose what is sees as the prevailing Anti Israel bias in mainstream media, expose and counter Holocaust denial, and to… … Wikipedia
Christian Zionism — For the similar 19th century Christian movement, see Christian Restorationism. For Christians who belong to Zionist denominations in southern Africa, see Zionist Churches. Christian Zionism is a belief among some Christians that the return of the … Wikipedia
Christian Restorationism — For the similar modern Christian belief, see Christian Zionism. For other uses, see Restorationism. Christian Restorationism, the Restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land was a nineteenth century, Christian movement with both political and… … Wikipedia
Christian Bouchet — (born 17 January 1955 in Angers, Maine et Loire) is a French far right journalist and politician. An exponent of the Third Position, with sympathies to National Bolshevism. Coming from a far right family with monarchist and Organisation de l… … Wikipedia
Christian movements — are theological, political, or philosophical interpretations of Christianity that are not generally represented by a specific church, sect, or denomination. Religious * The House Church or Simple Church movement is a worldwide shift of Christian… … Wikipedia
Christian von Ehrenfels — Full name Christian von Ehrenfels Born June 2, 1859 Rodaun near Vienna, Austria Died September 8, 1932 Lichtenau, Austria Era 19th century philosophy Region Western Philosoph … Wikipedia
ZIONISM — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the word and its meaning forerunners ḤIBBAT ZION ROOTS OF ḤIBBAT ZION background to the emergence of the movement the beginnings of the movement PINSKER S AUTOEMANCIPATION settlement… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Zionism — Zionist, n., adj. Zionistic, adj. Zionite /zuy euhnuyt /, n. /zuy euh niz euhm/, n. a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel. [1895 1900; ZION + ISM] * * * Jewish nationalism movement… … Universalium