biblical criticism

biblical criticism

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "biblical criticism" в других словарях:

  • Biblical Criticism —     Biblical Criticism (Textual)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Biblical Criticism (Textual)     The object of textual criticism is to restore as nearly as possible the original text of a work the autograph of which has been lost. In this textual… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Biblical criticism — This article is about the academic treatment of the bible as a historical document. For criticisms made against the Bible as a source of reliable information or ethical guidance, see Criticism of the Bible. The Gutenberg Bible, the first printed… …   Wikipedia

  • biblical criticism —       discipline that studies textual, compositional, and historical questions surrounding the Old and New Testaments. Biblical criticism lays the groundwork for meaningful interpretation of the Bible.       A brief treatment of biblical… …   Universalium

  • BIBLICAL CRITICISM —    a type of academic inquiry which arose in the nineteenth century through the application of eighteenth century RATIONALIST assumptions to the study of the BIBLE. It originated with ANTI CHRISTIAN writers who sought to discredit the Biblical… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • biblical criticism —    The work of scholars such a Erasmus on the biblical text and publication of more accurate Bible translations in the 16th century, coupled with Martin Luther s idea that the Bible s meaning was plain to any commonsense reader, led in the next… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Biblical Criticism (Higher) —     Biblical Criticism (Higher)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Biblical Criticism (Higher)     Biblical criticism in its fullest comprehension is the examination of the literary origins and historical values of the books composing the Bible, with… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • biblical criticism —    This term (from the Greek kritikos, meaning able to judge ) refers to two different approaches to studying the Bible: (1) lower criticism attempts to reconstruct the original biblical text (as none of the original manuscripts have survived);… …   Glossary of theological terms

  • biblical criticism — A term covering a variety of methods used since the Enlightenment in the early 18th cent. for studying the books of the Bible. See criticism, biblical …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Psychological Biblical Criticism — [ entry=95] is a re emerging field within biblical criticism that seeks to examine the psychological dimensions of scripture through the use of the behavioral sciences. The title itself involves …   Wikipedia

  • Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism, Glasgow — The Professorship of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University of Glasgow was founded in 1861. The patron was formally the Crown (i.e. a Regius Professorship). Since 1935, the University Court, acting on the recommendation of a Board of… …   Wikipedia

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