Catholic Reformation

Catholic Reformation

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Catholic Reformation" в других словарях:

  • reformation — reformational, adj. /ref euhr may sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of reforming; state of being reformed. 2. (cap.) the religious movement in the 16th century that had for its object the reform of the Roman Catholic Church, and that led to the… …   Universalium

  • Reformation —    Although the term is sometimes used to designate efforts of all 16th century religious groups to reform and revitalize religion, the most common usage is as a label for the religious up heaval that grew out of the challenge of Martin Luther… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Catholic League (French) — The Catholic League of France, sometimes referred to by contemporary (and modern) Roman Catholics as the Holy League, was formed by Duke Henry of Guise in 1576. [Holt, Mack P. : The French Wars of Religion, 1562 1629, page 122. New York, 1995 ]… …   Wikipedia

  • Catholic — /kath euh lik, kath lik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a Catholic church, esp. the Roman Catholic Church. 2. Theol. a. (among Roman Catholics) claiming to possess exclusively the notes or characteristics of the one, only, true, and universal… …   Universalium

  • catholic — catholically, catholicly /keuh thol ik lee/, adv. catholicalness, catholicness, n. /kath euh lik, kath lik/, adj. 1. broad or wide ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad minded; liberal. 2. universal in… …   Universalium

  • Reformation — may refer to:Movements: * Protestant Reformation, an attempt by Martin Luther to reform the Roman Catholic Church that resulted in a schism, and grew into a wider movement. * Counter Reformation, the Catholic Church s response to the Protestants… …   Wikipedia

  • Catholic peace traditions — Catholic peacemaking includes three major traditions: # evangelical nonviolence practiced by individuals, groups and mass movements; # just war theory and practice borrowed from Roman thought and expanded by Catholic moral and legal thinkers; and …   Wikipedia

  • Catholic Congresses —     Catholic Congresses     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholic Congresses     One of the remarkable and important manifestations of the social and religious life of the present day are gatherings of Catholics in general public conferences. This… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Catholic teachings on sexual morality — draw from natural law, Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and are promulgated authoritatively by the Magisterium. Sexual morality evaluates the goodness of sexual behavior, and often provides general principles by which Catholics are able to… …   Wikipedia

  • Catholic — • The combination the Catholic Church (he katholike ekklesia) is found for the first time in the letter of St. Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, written about the year 110 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Catholic     Catholic …   Catholic encyclopedia

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