
 / charismata

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "charism" в других словарях:

  • Charism — Cha rism, n. [Gr. ? gift.] (Eccl.) A miraculously given power, as of healing, speaking foreign languages without instruction, etc., attributed to some of the early Christians. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Charism — Charịsm   [x ], Chwarẹsm [x ], Chwarịsm [x ], Chorẹsm [x ], am Unterlauf des Amudarja (Oxus) gelegenes zentralasiatisches Reich, das von den nordiranischen Stämmen der Charismier (Chwaresmier, Choresmier) gebildet wurde und schon in der… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Charism — See also: charisma The term charisma denotes any good gift that flows from God s benevolent love.[1] In Christian theology, a charism (in Greek: χαρίσμα; plural: charismata) i …   Wikipedia

  • charism — /kəˈrɪzəm/ (say kuh riz7m), /ˈkærɪzəm/ (say karizuhm) noun Roman Catholic Church an extraordinary power, as of healing, given to someone by the Holy Ghost for the good of the Church: the healing charism of St Vincent de Paul. Also, charisma …  

  • Charism-Schah — Charịsm Schah   [x ], Chwarẹsm Schah [x ], Chwarịsm Schah [x ], bis zur Mongoleninvasion üblicher Titel der Herrscher über Charism. Zu den ersten Trägern dieses Titels gehörten die Herrscher der Dynastie der Afrighiden (305 995); ihnen folgten …   Universal-Lexikon

  • charism — noun (plural charismata or charisms) Etymology: Greek charisma Date: circa 1641 an extraordinary power (as of healing) given a Christian by the Holy Spirit for the good of the church …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • charism — char·ism (kărʹĭz əm) n. Christianity Charisma. * * * …   Universalium

  • charism — noun A power or authority, generally of a spiritual nature, believed to be a freely given gift by the grace of God …   Wiktionary

  • charism — char·ism …   English syllables

  • charism —    This word (from the Greek charis, meaning gift ) refers to a spiritual gift or grace given by the Holy Spirit to personsfor their own spiritual improvement as well as for the benefit of the Christian community. (See CCC 799 801) …   Glossary of theological terms

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