peac - pope
- peace
- peace churches
- peace offering
- peace, theology of
- peacemaking
- peacock, the
- Peasants' Revolt
- Pedilavium
- pelagianism
- pelican, the
- penal law
- penal-substitutionary theory of the atonement
- penance
- penitential books
- penitential psalms
- penitential rite
- penitential tradition
- penitential works
- penitents
- Pentateuch
- Pentecost
- Pentecostal movement, modern
- Pentecostalism
- penultimate
- people of God
- people's theology
- per capita apportionment
- perennialism
- perfect contrition
- perfect state
- perfection
- perfectionism
- perfectionist denominations
- Perichoresis
- pericope
- perishable body
- permanent deacon
- permission
- permissiv will of God
- permissive will of God