Ephesus, Council of

Ephesus, Council of

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Ephesus, Council of" в других словарях:

  • Ephesus, Council of — • The third ecumenical council, held in 431 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • EPHESUS, COUNCIL OF —    known as the Third ECUMENICAL COUNCIL held in 431. It approved the WORSHIP of the VIRGIN MARY …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Council of Chalcedon — Date 451 A.D. Accepted by Roman Catholics, Old Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans Previous council First Council of Ephesus Next council Second Council of Constantinople …   Wikipedia

  • Council of Ephesus —     Council of Ephesus     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Council of Ephesus     The third ecumenical council, held in 431.     THE OCCASION AND PREPARATION FOR THE COUNCIL     The idea of this great council seems to have been due to Nestorius, the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Council of Vienne — Date 1311 1312 Accepted by Roman Catholicism Previous council Second Council of Lyons Next council Council of Constance Convoked by Pope …   Wikipedia

  • Council of Jerusalem — This article is about the first century Council of Jerusalem in Early Christianity. For other uses, see Jerusalem Council. James the Just, whose judgment was adopted in the Apostolic Decree of Acts 15:19 29, c. 50 AD: ...we should write to them …   Wikipedia

  • Council of Chalcedon —     Council of Chalcedon     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Council of Chalcedon     The Fourth Ecumenical Council, held in 451, from 8 October until 1 November inclusive, at Chalcedon, a city of Bithynia in Asia Minor. Its principal purpose was to… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ephesus — • A titular archiespiscopal see in Asia Minor, said to have been founded in the eleventh century B.C. by Androcles, son of the Athenian King Codrus, with the aid of Ionian colonists Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ephesus     Eph …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Council of Florence — Council of Basel–Ferrara–Florence Date 1431–45 Accepted by Catholicism Previous council Council of Constance Next council Fifth Council of the Lateran …   Wikipedia

  • EPHESUS — EPHESUS, Greek city on the W. coast of Asia Minor, at the mouth of the River Cayster. Ephesus had an important Jewish community in the first century and its beginning apparently goes back to the early Hellenistic era. Information about it is… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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