Ephesus, Robber Synod of

Ephesus, Robber Synod of

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Ephesus, Robber Synod of" в других словарях:

  • Robber Synod — Robber Council or Robber Synod noun A council held at Ephesus in 449, afterwards repudiated, which reinstated Eutyches (from the violence of its proceedings) • • • Main Entry: ↑rob …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ephesus, Robber Council of — • The Acts of the first session of this synod were read at the Council of Chalcedon, 451, and have thus been preserved. The remainder of the Acts are known only through a Syriac translation by a Monophysite monk, published from the British Museum …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Robber Synod of Ephesus —  Разбойничий Собор Эфесский …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • Robber Council — or Robber Synod noun A council held at Ephesus in 449, afterwards repudiated, which reinstated Eutyches (from the violence of its proceedings) • • • Main Entry: ↑rob …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ephesus — Infobox Settlement official name = Ephesus (Polytonic|Ἔφεσος) other name = (Efes) native name = Ancient City of Anatolia imagesize = 280px image caption = The Celsus LibraryLocation map Turkey label=Ephesus label size=100 lat=37.939722… …   Wikipedia

  • Ephesus, councils of — ▪ Christianity       three assemblies held in Asia Minor to resolve problems of the early Christian Church.       In 190 Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, convened a synod to establish the 14th of Nisan (the date of the Jewish Passover) as the… …   Universalium

  • Robber Council of Ephesus (Latrocinium) —     Robber Council of Ephesus     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Robber Council of Ephesus     (LATROCINIUM).     The Acts of the first session of this synod were read at the Council of Chalcedon, 451, and have thus been preserved to us. The remainder …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Second Council of Ephesus — Date 449 Accepted by Oriental Orthodoxy Previous council First Council of Ephesus Next council Council of Chalcedon (not accepted by the Oriental Orthodox …   Wikipedia

  • Эфесский Разбойничий Собор —  ♦ (ENG Ephesus, Robber Synod of)  (449)    церковный собор в Эфесе, восстановивший учение Евтихия (ок. 375 454) (см. Евтихианство) и решивший, что признание двух природ Иисуса Христа было еретическим. Эта точка зрения была окончательно… …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • General Councils —     General Councils     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► General Councils     This subject will be treated under the following heads:     ♦ Definition     ♦ Classification     ♦ Historical Sketch     ♦ The Pope and General Councils     ♦ Composition of …   Catholic encyclopedia

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