Jérusalem Bible

Jérusalem Bible

Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов. - М.: "Республика". . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "Jérusalem Bible" в других словарях:

  • Jerusalem Bible — n. a Roman Catholic version of the Bible published in 1966, translated from the French La Bible de Jérusalem, produced by Dominican scholars in Jerusalem (1956): abbrev. JB * * * …   Universalium

  • Jerusalem Bible — n. a Roman Catholic version of the Bible published in 1966, translated from the French La Bible de Jérusalem, produced by Dominican scholars in Jerusalem (1956): abbrev. JB …   English World dictionary

  • Jerusalem Bible — This article is about the Roman Catholic translation. For the Jewish translation, see Koren Jerusalem Bible. The Jerusalem Bible Full name: The Jerusalem Bible Abbreviation: JB or TJB Complete Bible published …   Wikipedia

  • Jerusalem Bible — Jerusalem Bi|ble, the an English translation of the Bible made by ↑Roman Catholic ↑scholars in the 1960s …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Jerusalem Bible — …   Useful english dictionary

  • New Jerusalem Bible — Full name: New Jerusalem Bible Abbreviation: NJB Complete Bible published: 1985 Textual basis: NT: Novum Testamentum Graece 25th ed., with occasional parallels to Codex Bezae. OT: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with Septuagint influence.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bible Lands Museum — Jerusalem Das Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem ist eine Einrichtung, welche die Kultur aller in der Bibel erwähnten Völker veranschaulicht, beispielsweise der Philister, Aramäer, Hethiter, Elamer, Phönizier und Perser. Es legt den Schwerpunkt auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jerusalem Christian Review — is a newspaper for Christians published in Jerusalem, Israel.[1] Jerusalem Christian Review is the highest distributed newspaper for Christians in Israel. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Bible de Douai — Bible de Douai : Ancien Testament traduit en anglais (1609) Bible Douai Rheims : Nouveau Testament (158 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bible — [bī′bəl] n. [ME & OFr < ML biblia < Gr, collection of writings, in LGr(Ec), the Scriptures (pl. of biblion, book) < biblos, papyrus, after Byblos (now Dschebēl), Phoen city from which papyrus was imported] 1. the sacred book of… …   English World dictionary

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